

Does anyone else see the problem with how they abbreviated this sign?  I maybe would've chosen to abbreviate "Creek"  instead of choosing "FORK"!  I laugh every time I pass it.  The bridge crossing over East FORK Duck Creek is on a busy road, so I FINALLY didn't have anyone behind me and I had my camera.  The planets must have been lined up in my favor.  Good times!


Mom said...

The first time I saw this sign, I was laughing so hard, I almost drove off the road! This was the same trip that I saw a monster-truck volkswagen and slamming on my brakes for the nut who cut straight in front of me to cross the double yellow line to get to a yard sale - because there were weapons for sale on the lawn! Only in the country.

Missy B said...

It just proves that East Bumble F**k really does exist.

mom said...

WHAT? You mean BFE?

Cassie said...
