
This Just In...

Gwenn sent a play-by-play to Aunt Maureen.  There were approximately 120 pictures!  It was really like being there.  I'm so thankful.
My girls holding their signs.  They were so proud and REALLY excited to have those signs.  Gwenn said some of the soldiers sought her out to thank her for all the wonderful packages.  Thank you to all the friends and family who sent Jacob and his Battery care packages.  They REALLY appreciated them!  All of them! There Here!!!  I LOVE how you can see Jadyn holding her sign and just longing to see her Jake. Home at last!!! Look at that handsome Marine!!!  He's the second from the left! Welcome home Jacob!!!  See you in a couple weeks!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Maury said...

Thanks for putting these up, Helen, you're awesome! I also love the part about them seeking out Gwenn to thank her...I love my guys.