
Paybacks are...

I'm afraid I have found my payback child.  Today I have taken Carter off of the TV stand at least 4 times.  I realize that we are all due what we dish out but I wasn't expecting it from my one year old.  When I was little, I was a climber.  We had the biggest swing set in the neighborhood and one day we were seeing who could go the highest or something.  Dad was sitting on the sofa in the living room when he saw me.  I was balance-beam walking on the highest bar.  It was probably 9 or 10 feet off the ground.  He said he never moved so fast and so slow at the same time.  He didn't want to scare me but he wanted to get me down as fast as possible.  I had no fear.  Walking one side of the monkey bars was pretty much a daily occurrence.  I would do flips off them and, somehow, always land on my feet.    
Here's to you Carter Baby!


Brian Hassel said...

We are cursed twice over on that one. I used to climb up on top of the bar stools at the breakfast bar then crawl across the counter tops so I could get into the upper cabinets. I was also caught (on more than one occasion) at the top of a good climbing tree. Not to mention I don't think I have ever grown out of dare devil phase. I still like anything fast enough to do something in. OOOOOOO what are we in for. hahahaha

Mom said...

Yea - and BOTH of your mothers are laughing their butts off. What Helen didn't say was that she did a wonderful 10 point flip off the same monkey bars that her father had to get her down from - because that was how she always came off the swing set - apparently jumping off the swing just didn't cut it.