
Dah Nunt nunt nunt... Another One Bites The Dust

'Round these parts, (I figured this was the only appropriate way to start this one) deer are easy to come by.  That's right.  Brian hit a deer just last Monday.  Turns out, our luck doesn't run out there.  Last night, on the way home from the store, a deer decides it would be a good idea to run out in front of my Explorer.  A samaritan stopped to help and, when his children said, "Daddy!  It's still moving!"  he obliged them and euthenized the poor thing.
We replaced a car seat on Thursday.  Said car seat was in the Explorer and now needs replacing again.  Everyone involved is fine.  Well, except the deer that is.  I suppose 3 car seats in a week should be some kind of record.  *sigh*


Brian Hassel said...

3 cars seats, 2 cats, 2 deer, 2 wrecked cars, 1 rabbit and 2 insurance claims in one week. What a week we have had. just to clear it up i have had two cats and a rabbit run under my rear tire on 250 out of ashland. Maybe we should hire a chauffeur. Thank God for $100 deductibles.

Joe M said...

Hey! I KNEW there would be a great way to get rid of cats beside the microwave! Thanks, Brian - you are helping to decrease the surpluss population. Ahhh.

Missy B said...

Did you follow Mr. King's advice? If so Shawn said you should have some good eatin' for a while.

Brian Hassel said...

The one I hit got up and ran the other one had to be put down on the side of the road. It took everything my buddy had in him not to go get it and have the meat processed. I think he would have gotten it but he was heading turkey hunting for a few days and would have had no where to keep that much meat frozen.