
Thanksgiving weekend

I realize that Thanksgiving was over a week ago.  Here it is... Michael was helping Papa make his famous apple pies.  He was munching on the apple "spaghetti."  He thought it was the greatest!  Papa has one of those apple corer/slicer/skinner deals.  In Michael's eyes, It's a spaghetti maker. We tried something new this year.  We used Splenda and sugar free cinnamon candies. With a family packed full of diabetes and dieters, this was a delicious way to have our pie and eat it too!  Splenda also helped us make a FANTASTIC pumpkin pie.  Yummy!Brianna LOVES babies.  Carter was the lucky dog who got to eat up all that love.  Does anyone else see that they have the same eyes?
Morgan family Thanksgiving ... on Saturday.  I really miss them!
BEANS!!!  To most of the world they are known as olives but Brandon has always called them beans.  Brianna and Michael just followed suit.  Aunt Linda was rationing said beans.  They just love 'em.
We also hit Oglebay park to see the Christmas light display.  They can do some amazing things with a few hundred light bulbs.  We were really impressed.  The pictures didn't turn out so great as I hoped they would.


Missy B said...

Daddy looks so thin. I love that they do the Aunt Missy Olive Trick. I am pretending you posted that just for me. I love you.

Anonymous said...

THIN??? WOW! Thanks Nunk!