
Fog Slides

After my shower, Michael likes to come in and draw pictures with his finger.  He almost always tells me they are slides or water slides.  They usually have some swirly loops in them.  Today he drew a huge arch that fell to the bottom of the mirror (Kind of like a lower case "R").  He looked at me and pointed (exactly when he said "THAT") to the mirror while saying, "Now THAT's a slide!"  I said, "And a scary one at that!"  He came back with...."YEAH!  It will make all the girls go AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"  In the highest little girl scream he could muster.  I laughed out loud and continue to do so every time I think of it!


Mom said...

I was just thinking - shouldn't that be called "Frog Slides?"

Cassie said...

out of the mouths of babes. I love it!