
R.S.D. Awareness

  If you have anything orange in your wardrobe, please put it on today.  We are walking in Peachtree City tonight to raise awareness for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.  It's a misfire of the sympathetic nerve and causes a pain like a blow torch.  It's as though barbed wire were wrapped around your body.  Even the brush of your clothing can cause excruciating pain.  
  My sister-in-law has RSD.  Sometimes it's all over pain and sometimes it's reserved to her extremities.  She has to wear a boot on her left leg all the time just to walk.  It kills me to watch the pain in her eyes.  She hides the pain so well that sometimes I forget she has any issues.  She is amazing.  I am so proud to walk for this disease today.  Please put something orange on today!!!


Missy B said...

I wore my Orange and Yellow necklace yesterday for you guys. I had to work so I was limited to accessories. I hope everything went well yesterday. Love ya.

Helen Hassel said...

Thanks Miss! Sorry you couldn't come up and join us. We appreciate any awareness we can get!!!!

Cassie said...

Sounds like it was a wonderful day. Yay for you building awareness!