
A Few Things

1. Our Christmas decorations are up and Carter isn't bothering them.  Michael is another story.   But Carter Baby is steering clear!
2. Michael is so excited for Santa to come.  He has been asking if tonight is the night every night since Sunday when we put the tree up.
3. He only wants 3 things for Christmas.  So far, so good.  Bendaroos, Crayola's Color Explosion, and Crayola's crayon melter/maker.  2/3 purchased.  He already wrote his note to Santa and it's in the "Letters to Santa" holder on the tree.
4. I got a new camera and Carter can't stop modeling.  He is more than willing.  Usually a bit close but nevertheless willing.  :º)

5. It's not much...But it's a start!  At the very least, it's continuous.  And it couldn't have come at a better time.  Tonight is the Christmas parade!!!

6. Sorry I haven't been blogging much.  School is taking more time than anticipated.

1 comment:

Momma said...

First, Carter baby looks like a cute little bug. Second, how the heck did you get snow and we got squat?!?!