Thank you Mom! For the rental of your point and shoot camera! You're awesome!
My crazy 4 year old. He has a couple of new words lately. He uses my Weight Watcher's calculator and refers to it as his "Supergavizing cuputer." He told me the other day while riding in the car that he was ornery. How true. I tried taking a picture of him this morning and this is the best one. Hee hee hee! He is too funny! He refuses to smile for a camera any more.
Michael dressed up as "Link" from "Monsters vs Aliens" for Halloween. Every time we watch ANYTHING with Link in it he repeats every action he takes and says "Look what I just did Mommy!" or he says "I just {insert action here}"
This is Carter's pouty lip. Michael was telling us how he made his pumpkin sad "Like this. :(" Carter attempted the same face and this is what we get. Of course, I think this is the cutest thing ever so, I constantly stick out my bottom lip and say "Carter! Say :(" And he sticks out his completely kissable smooshy lips like this.

He might be trying to look at them here. He's been talking a lot lately. My favorite is probably when he says "Otch!" or "Look!" He is completely different from Michael. His fine motor skills are so much more than Michael's ever were. He's a product of "Monkey see, monkey do." Everything Michael does at 4 Carter will attempt at 1 1/2. He's a climber. They both LOVE to climb on their kitchen. I'm talking EVERY DAY! They stand on the TOP and look out the window. My dudes are good buddies. I could do with a little more listening but I guess we get what we get. :º)
1 comment:
If you ever find a way to get better listening skill please pass them along
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