
Two things

First- Yesterday, we had to upgrade Carter Baby to a bed.  He climbed out of his crib early in the week and didn't make a sound.  Just kind of showed up.  Yesterday, I put him down for his nap and there it was.  THUD!  WWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!  I got the allen wrench out and took that bad boy down.  Yes.  It was a little depressing.  Neither of my babies lasted till two.  We got the car bed out.  He loves it.  Nap time was a little sketchy.  Bed time was like a dream.  We read to him.  We prayed with him.  We said good night.  Brian had to tell him ONE time to get back to bed.  ONE TIME!!!  Then he said, "What is our struggle going to be?"  I told him to shut his mouth.  :º)

Second- I WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE ART INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited.  I am really looking forward to making more of my photography.  :ºD  I'm smiling!!!


Mom said...

I am so, so, so proud of you!! Happy clicking! Love you tons, Jo Momma

Lucille said...

I am so happy for you!! AND PROUD! VERYYYY PROUD!!!! YOU are amazing and will do WONDERFUL!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Your Cheese!

Missy B said...

I am so proud of you Helen. You are going to do great.

Anonymous said...

You are so talented Helen. With your writing skills and your artistic style of photography, you are headed toward greatness. I'm very happy for you. You inspire me! Love you! jas