
10 Months

Wow!  My Carter Baby is already 10 months old!  He had a pretty good 10 month old day.  He ate some yogurt and some of his brother's toast.  He played with Tiffany from Help me grow.  Napped.  Whined about his poor aching gums.  Played some more.  Walked with his walking wagon from Brandi!  Ate some oatmeal.  Ate some of Mommy's dinner.  Got into something messy so Daddy took off his overalls.  Played downstairs for a while.  Finally, went to bed.  Good times. 
I can't believe that in just two months you will be a whole year old.  You are so big!  My sweet cuddly boy.  I love you so much.  I am fully enjoying watching you grow.  You are very special.  You love your big brother and all his things.  I'm pretty sure he likes your toys more than you do.  You have changed our lives Little Man! This is how you spent most of your evening.  Daddy and Mommy were at opposing ends of the living room.  You would walk all the way across and get mad when you hit the wall so we took turns turning you around for another lap.  Michael never accomplished this task.  He would hold onto his walker/wagon and fall flat on his face.  We couldn't believe it on Monday when you just stood up and walked across the room.  You are just too big.  I love you Carter Baby!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my darling Carter, how I miss you. You are getting so, so big and I can't believe your going to be 1 in 2 months WOW!!! I wish so much that I could be there to celebrate with you. My birthday wish for you is that you will be able to see me (your favorite Great Aunt) really soon! I Love you, love you, love you!

Anonymous said...

No way, Jose!! That kid is a mover - he stays in his crib, walks across the living room - what the heck else is there? Love you so much, your favorite Nanny (of course, I'm your only Nanny, but hey, who's counting?)